Sam Wolfe

Car Bites Man, Story at 11:00

Dog bites man?

Not a story.

Man bites dog?


The media is often accused of, sometimes justifiably so, only focusing on ‘sexy’ events, metaphorically speaking of course (politics is anything but). Ninety-nine people protest, one breaks a window, and they get the most coverage (not based on a specific event). Because that’s the ‘craziest’ thing to happen during the event. So, in the interest of fairness, I tried conduct the most unscientific-straw-poll-tally-at-35mph I could during the fourth day of protests at the State House. 

I did this because Monday I photographed a single driver flipping-off the crowd assembled to protest. Was that photo representative of the traffic passing by? No. Most (50%+) drivers didn’t wave, honk, or display any signs of opinion, though MANY did. Would the photo illicit the most polarized response? Probably. So I figured, let’s take a random sample of photos drivers passing by to give a more accurate account. In the name of science. 

Anyway, here’s a more representative depiction of the reaction from drivers passing the protestors. (Unfortunately I couldn’t depict people honking. They’ll need to make some sort of moving-picture/sound-recording device for that…)

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